
İzocam Explained The Importance Of EUCEB Certificate

Did you know that the EUCEB logo imprinted on the packaging of mineral wool carries much deeper meanings than just a sign?

Leading the industry in raising awareness about healthy insulation, İzocam drew attention to the importance of the EUCEB logo for both our health and our environment in 9 questions!

Our living spaces are our most valuable assets. Hence, it is our right to know which insulation products are used in our living spaces! İzocam, which leads the sector in raising awareness about healthy insulation, draws attention to the fact that the EUCEB (EUropean CErtification Board for mineral wool products) logo, which is imprinted on the packaging of manufacturers that only meet the requirements of EUCEB, has much deeper meanings than just a sign.
İzocam, which has been making continuous investments for EUCEB certification in İzocam stone wool and glass wool products for many years, explained the importance of the EUCEB logo for both our health and our environment in 9 questions:

  1- What are the stone wool and glass wool products subject to EUCEB certification and where are they used?

Stone wool and glass wool (mineral wools) are fibers produced with domestic

and inorganic raw materials. Mineral wool products are indispensable insulation materials for fire safety, in addition to thermal insulation, sound insulation and acoustic arrangement. They can be produced in the form of mattresses, sheets, pipes and casts of different sizes and technical features, depending on the place and purpose of use, and with different coating materials.

  2- What should we pay attention to when choosing mineral wools?

When purchasing the insulation materials for use in our living spaces, we must first pay attention to choose quality, healthy and environmentally-friendly products. Not every mineral wool possesses these properties. We should pay attention to whether the EUCEB logo is imprinted on the packages of the mineral fiber stone wool and glass wool products that offer an effective insulation, and we should request the certificates of the products.

  3- Why is EUCEB certification so important in insulation?

Certification of a product by EUCEB indicates that the product complies with the conditions and quality standards stipulated for human health. These non-carcinogenic products are regularly inspected and do not pose a threat to human health throughout their lifetime. For this reason, the EUCEB logo imprinted on İzocam stone wool and glass wool products has much deeper meanings than just a sign. It is an important indicator that we need to act with awareness in insulation for sustainable and healthy tomorrows.

  4-What does EUCEB certificate indicate?

EUCEB certification proves that the fibers that penetrate the body through the skin and respiration are both excreted from the body by dissolution and are soluble in nature. This certificate states that mineral wools are produced in accordance with European Union regulations and are regularly inspected by independent experts. In this way, it is proven that the products certified by EUCEB are bio-degradable at international standards.

  5- How is the EUCEB certificate awarded?

EUCEB is an institution established for the purpose of offering non-carcinogenic, safe and harmless products to consumers. In this direction, EUCEB monitors the compliance of mineral wools such as stone wool and glass wool with clause Q of the European Regulation No 1272/2008, which outlines the requirements for non-carcinogenic products. EUCEB certificate indicates that the products comply with the norms and can thus be classified as "non-carcinogenic products".

  6- What conditions must be fulfilled to remain certified by EUCEB?

The chemical composition, analysis and bio-solubility of the products that are awarded the EUCEB certificate, including İzocam branded fibers, are tested weekly with chemical analyzes on a regular basis. The tests are audited by the independent certification body BCCA (Belgian Construction Certification Association npo). Twice a year, samples are taken from the manufacturer's facility by an independent institution and the test results are audited by an independent certification body. This independent certification body certifies that the tested mineral fiber stone wool and glass wool products comply with EUCEB requirements and gives the manufacturer the right to use the EUCEB logo.

  7- How to identify non-carcinogenic mineral wool products?

The EUCEB logo is imprinted on the packaging and/or label of the products that pass the EUCEB inspection successfully. Thus, consumers can easily identify safe and healthy insulation materials from this EUCEB logo available on the packaging and/or label of the product. The EUCEB logo on the packaging of stone wool or glass wool insulation products is the proof that the product poses no harm to human health. Accordingly, İzocam branded insulation products furnished with the EUCEB logo are guaranteed not to pose any health hazard. It is also possible to check whether the manufacturers are certified by EUCEB and which products are covered by the EUCEB certificate from the website of the independent certification body BCCA, which carries out audits on behalf of EUCEB.

  8- What other standards do İzocam branded mineral wools meet in addition to the requirements mandated by EUCEB?

In addition to the EUCEB Certificate, the compliance to which is regularly audited by BCCA, İzocam branded stone wool and glass wool products also have TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) and CE (European Conformity) certificates as well as ISO (İnternational Standards Organization) 9001 Quality Assurance System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificates. İzocam branded mineral wools offer heat and sound insulation at high standards and increase the fire safety of buildings with their A1 class fireproof feature. Moreover, the recycled materials used in their production allow the buildings where İzocam branded mineral wools are used to obtain green building certification including LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) - BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certificates. In addition, these products directly contribute to 8 of the 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations within the scope of combating global climate change. The “Eurofins Gold” certification indicates that İzocam Glass Wool Mattresses contribute to healthy indoor air.

  9- What are the contents of EUCEB Certified İzocam mineral wools?

İzocam stone wool and glass wool insulation materials, which are among the best-known and most reliable products in the world, contain environmentally friendly materials. İzocam uses sand, basalt, natural minerals and recycled glass in 80 percent of its production. Production residues are also reused in product manufacturing. İzocam contributes to sustainability by its products which are produced from local materials and at least 30% recycled products, and offers a healthy life to all living things and nature with the content of its products. 
